Problems cannot be solved by thinking within the framework in which they were created. ~Albert Einstein

Helping You Improve Life

My approach to counseling and therapy draws on my training in various distinct psychological theories and techniques.  I have been trained in the use of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Interpersonal Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, and Narrative Therapy.  

The particular approach chosen depends on the person’s background, needs, and concerns.  Often that means that I integrate various approaches and techniques to best match an individual’s changing needs. I believe that exploring the connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors is important in understanding concerns and their remedies. I also strongly emphasize working with and focusing on emotions.  In doing so, I highlight learning to recognize emotions, learn about their role and function in life, and tailoring emotion-focused skills for living a fulfilling life.  


My values: 

  • I strongly believe in an egalitarian and collaborative relationship between therapist and the individual. 
  • The therapeutic relationship emphasizes mutual respect, empathy, honesty, and positive regard. This trusting and safe relationship forms the basis to explore concerns, thoughts, feelings, and meanings. 
  • The therapeutic relationship will also serve as a useful tool for exploring the your own interpersonal style and how it may affect your lives and relationships.


Why Seek My Services?  

Most people who seek out counseling or therapy are struggling with common life circumstances or simply want to enhance their lives. Everyone encounters stress in their lives - from big or small life transitions, decision-making, personal and family relationships, career, or other areas. Sometimes during times of stress, people may feel stuck and alone in their struggle. Seeking professional assistance can be useful in recognizing that you are not alone and that becoming “unstuck” is an option. Professional help can make internal and external resources for coping available. Almost everyone can benefit from therapy or counseling at some point in their lives. Seeking professional assistance during difficult times is not a sign of weakness or “craziness”, but rather is a sign of good coping skills and interest in personal growth and development. Therapy or counseling can be an important personal investment and an essential tool for personal growth, improving relationships, and enhancing overall well-being. I provide a warm, supportive therapeutic environment and a trained ear to listen and help individuals learn to recognize their strengths and grow through personal difficulties.